The Business Library does not subscribe to Dun & Bradstreet Credit Reports; However, we have many excellent databases with in-depth company reports:
- Hoover's
Provides company profiles, corporate directory (searchable
by company name, industry, ticker symbol, sales, location), market quotes, and
business news. Includes Hoover's company profile database. Includes First
Research Industry Reports.
Global Market Information Database
Key business intelligence on countries, companies, markets
and consumers. GMID provides over 4,500 market reports, offering in-depth
strategic analysis for consumer, industrial and service sectors. There are
global reports, country and company reports.
- MarketLine
Includes: Industry profiles offering standardized market
data (including size & segmentation) and competitive analysis; Company
profiles for 50,000 public and private companies giving detailed insight into
how companies are organized and function; Base Drivers Database featuring key
macro-economic, social, demographic and industry statistics for 215 countries;
live feed of news, comment and analysis.
- OneSource
Provides key company, executive and industry intelligence.
One database with millions of fully-integrated global company profiles,
executive listings and corporate structures. Multi-year archive of corporate
financials, news and analyst reports.
- Thomson One Banker Analytics
Integrates company financial data from Worldscope, daily
pricing data and indexes from Datastream, I/B/E/S earnings estimates, indexes
from ILX, press releases from PR Newswire, Extel reports and company filings.