Answered By: Peter Z McKay Last Updated: Oct 29, 2014 Views: 169
Suggested Search Strategy:
Use Google Scholar to identify key research articles, books and reports. Trace the writings of a key scholar in the field.
- Google Scholar
Search > "Buy Local"
Search > "Localism" or "Localist" and "Buy Local"
Search > David J. Hess
- Localism and the Environment
By David J. Hess
Sociology Compass 2/1 (2008): 625-638,
Localism, understood here as a movement to regain sovereignty over the local economy in an era of globalization, offers an alternative economic development strategy to that of the high-tech, export-oriented manufacturing cluster. Instead, localism advocates call attention to the benefits of import-replacing strategies that strengthen locally owned businesses, farms, and nonprofit organizations, as well as local government agencies. Primary examples of localism include the 'buy local movement' supported by independent retailers and banks, community-controlled energy, and local food and agricultural networks. Localism may generate environmental benefits due to decreased transportation and increased awareness of the environmental effects of production when located near consumers, but the connection between localism and environmental dividends is variable and tenuous.
- Deckarations of Independents" On Local Knowledge and Localist Knowledge
By David J. Hess
Anthropological Quaterly 83 (1) Winter 2010
Localist movements support increased local ownership of regional economies and oppose the colonization of local economies by corporate firms, franchises, and agribusiness. Events organized by a "buy local" and "anti-big-box" organization in upstate New York provide the point of departure for an exploration of the meanings of the terms "local" and "independent." Drawing on the discussion of "knowledge practices" in this journal, the relationships among local knowledge, mainstream economic development knowledge, and the "localist knowledge" of social science research are explored. Strategic combinations of local knowledge and localist knowledge can provide a powerful basis for mobilizing political and consumer support for localist movements. Localist movements in the United States are situated in the broader currents of antiglobalization movements, new political coalitions, and neoliberalism. - David J. Hess's Home Page
- David J. Hess's Bibliography
1. Local Impact Studies; 2. Big Box Studies; 3. General Effects of Local Retail
Localist Movements in a Global Economy
Chapter One
By David J. Hess
MIT Press, 2009
Additional Resources
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies - Institute for Local Self-reliance (ILSR)
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