Provides company profiles, corporate directory (searchable
by company name, industry, ticker symbol, sales, location), market quotes, and
business news. Includes Hoover's company profile database. Includes First
Research Industry Reports.
Provides key company, executive and industry intelligence.
One database with millions of fully-integrated global company profiles,
executive listings and corporate structures. Multi-year archive of corporate
financials, news and analyst reports.
EDGAR (Securities and Exchange Commission) U.S. Public Companies usually succinctly state their Business
Strategy in "Item 1. Business" of their Form 10-K, which is the annual report
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 10-Ks are included in
Research, Hoover's Online, OneSource, Yahoo! Finance and many other Web
sites. For IPOs look for the Registartion Statements, S-1s, and their amendments
in 424s. The Business overview in the 10-K provides a detailed discussion of the
company's strategy, products and services, operations, marketing, distribution,
international business, suppliers and government regulation as well as
competitive conditions in the industry.