T+D ASTD's monthly magazine covering best practices, emerging technologies and trends, and a range of issues relevant to workplace learning professionals.
"The Verdict on Learning Portals." RADHAKRISHNAN, MOHANA. 2010. Chief Learning Officer 9, no. 4: 46-48. Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed December 17, 2010). The article discusses how learning portals, Web sites where learners receive access to training, address corporate learning and development challenges. Portals enable learners to access information without leaving the work environment. Research found that learning portals increase learner and customer satisfaction
Building a Learning Portal Posted by B.J. Schone. eLearning Weekly. Jan. 17, 2009. Accessed Dec. 17, 2010. A learning portal is a web site that contains links to all different types of learning and training materials for employees at an organization. It may display upcoming classes, online courses, job aids, programs, links to web sites, etc. It may also include search functionality, a rating system, bookmarking ability, and more. The content displayed on the portal may be general to all employees at an organization, or it may be customized for that individual and the role they play. In a perfect world, the learning portal would be able to analyze the person’s department, role, and previous training history. It would then automagically determine learning resources that may be most valuable to that person. It may take a little while, but we’ll get there.
Virtual Training Basics will help you learn the fundamentals of online training and deliver training sessions that are as engaging and informative as in person. Virtual Training Basics is the perfect book for trainers who want to begin facilitating synchronous online training. This easy-to read book shows readers how to develop their multi-tasking skills, engage their participants, harness the power of their voice, prepare their workstation for success, troubleshoot technology issues on the fly, and more.