Consumer Demographics and Brand Usage
- Local Market
Audience Analyst
Local Market Audience Analyst is the next generation
consumer market research tool that delivers sophisticated demographic,
segmentation, and targeting data for media planners and consumer marketers.
Includes Market Profile Reports, Lifestyle Analysis Reports, Dempgrahic Reports,
and PRIZM Reports. Connect to SRDS, then Select LMAA.
- MRI+
Mediamark Research offers comprehensive demographic,
lifestyle, product usage and exposure to all forms of advertising media
collected from a single sample. Register with your Gatorlink email
- SimmonsLOCAL on SimplyMap
Experian SimmonsLOCAL is a powerful targeting and profiling
system that provides insights into consumer behavior for all of America's 210
media markets on a local level with 60,000+ data variables, including over 450
categories and 8,000 specific brands.
- SimplyMap
An Internet-based mapping application that enables users to
develop interactive thematic maps and reports using thousands of demographic,
business, and marketing data variables. Includes SimmonsLOCAL data and POI
Company Information