Piracy off the Horn of Africa By Lauren Ploch, Christopher M. Blanchard, Ronald O'Rourke, R. Chuck Mason and Rawle O. King Congressional Research Service. R40528. 7-5700 April 27, 2011
The Economic Cost of Maritime Piracy December 2010 One Earth Future A large-scale study to quantify the cost of piracy. Based on our calculations, maritime piracy is costing the international economy between $7 to $12 billion USD per year. This report details the major calculations and conclusions made in the study. These findings are also summarized in the Cost of Piracy Brochure.
Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa The Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa (MSC-HOA) is an initiative established by EU NAVFOR with close co-operation from industry. The MSC-HOA centre provides 24 hour manned monitoring of vessels transiting through the Gulf of Aden whilst the provision of an interactive website enables the Centre to communicate the latest anti-piracy guidance to industry and for Shipping Companies and operators to register their movements through the region.
EU NAVFOR Somalia EU NAVFOR Operation ATALANTA was launched on 8 December 2008 and is conducted in accordance with United Nations Security Council’s resolutions. The Operation has been extended by the European Council until December 2012 and has the following objectives: protect vessels of the World Food Programme, humanitarian aid and African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) shipping; help deter, prevent and repress acts of piracy and armed robbery; protect vulnerable shipping; also monitor fishing activities off the coast of Somalia.
IMB Piracy Reporting Centre The International Maritime Bureau aware of the escalating level of piracy, wanted to provide a free service to the seafarer and established the 24 hour IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.