Gemini Knowledge Card: Bad v Good AI Prompts



Gemini Knowledge Card: Bad v Good Prompts

Bad AI Prompts

Good AI Prompts


Vague or overly broad requests (e.g., "Write something about history.")

Specific and focused requests (e.g., "Summarize the key events of the French Revolution and its impact on European politics.")

Vague prompts give the AI no direction, resulting in generic or irrelevant responses. Specific prompts guide the AI to provide targeted and useful information.

Lack of context or background information (e.g., "Explain this theory.")

Inclusion of necessary context (e.g., "Explain the theory of relativity, focusing on its implications for our understanding of time and space.")

Without context, the AI might make incorrect assumptions or provide incomplete responses. Providing context ensures the AI understands the request's scope and depth.

Ambiguous or unclear phrasing (e.g., "Tell me about that thing.")

Clear and concise language (e.g., "Describe the process of photosynthesis in plants.")

Ambiguous prompts lead to confusion and potentially incorrect responses. Clear prompts leave no room for misinterpretation, resulting in more accurate and relevant information.

Unrealistic expectations (e.g., "Write a novel in the style of Shakespeare.")

Reasonable and achievable requests (e.g., "Generate a sonnet about love in the style of Shakespeare.")

AI has limitations. Unrealistic prompts lead to disappointment or subpar results. Matching the request to the AI's capabilities ensures a more satisfactory outcome.

Overly complex or convoluted sentence structures

Simple and straightforward sentence structures

Complex sentences can be difficult for the AI to parse, leading to errors or misunderstandings. Simple sentences are easier to process, reducing the risk of misinterpretations.

Neglecting to specify desired format or style (e.g., "Write about climate change.")

Inclusion of format and style preferences (e.g., "Write a persuasive essay about the urgency of addressing climate change, using data and examples to support your arguments.")

Specifying format and style guides the AI to produce content that aligns with your expectations. Without this guidance, the AI might generate responses that don't meet your specific needs.

Ignoring ethical considerations or potential biases (e.g., "Write a story about a group of criminals.")

Consideration of ethical implications and biases (e.g., "Write a story about a group of individuals from diverse backgrounds who are wrongly accused of a crime, highlighting the flaws in the justice system.")

Prompts that promote harmful stereotypes or misinformation can perpetuate social inequalities. Ethical prompts encourage the AI to produce content that is fair, unbiased, and responsible.

Overreliance on technical jargon or overly formal language

Use of natural and conversational language

Technical jargon can alienate audiences or create confusion. Natural language is more approachable and engaging, making the information more accessible to a wider range of users.

Failure to proofread or revise prompts

Thorough proofreading and revision of prompts

Errors in prompts can lead to inaccurate or irrelevant responses. Careful review ensures the prompt is clear, concise, and free of errors, resulting in better results from the AI.


  • Last Updated May 12, 2024
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Peter Z McKay

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